Maria and the baby are both home now and progressing well. Maria is doing rehab as an outpatient. Although she still relies on her walker, she is able to walk without it indoors. The baby now weighs 6 lb. 13 oz. and has learned how to use her lungs if the bottle doesn't come in a timely fashion!
Maria continues to get stronger and is gaining more and more use of her limbs. Her progress has been remarkable even though she still has a long ways to go. When God blesses, remarkable things do happen. I receive an e-mail prayer chain daily, and as I have recently read of families who have lost young loved ones, it gives me pause to consider why some are given the blessing of life while others just as needy are not. I can only hope and pray that Maria and all my family realize what a blessing we have just received as well as how to bring glory to God through it.
15 years ago