Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Monday

Basically an uneventful weekend until Sunday evening when we went to the Music Department's talent show/fund raiser. It was a combination of the Gong show and American Idol. The judges comments were funny, and only two (maybe 3) people got gonged. There were a couple of "plants" for the benefit of the gong. It wasn't just academy kids, but people from the community and elementary school. Ted Atwood, former Heritage Singers bass or baritone? was the MC. He was very good, and he also performed, singing well while making us laugh. Then he and his wife came on as Sonny and Cher...costume, wigs, and all. They sang "I got you, Babe" in a silly yet musically "good". I think they ended up winning first prize. Anyhow, it was a fun night.

Then tonight Don and I attended our Monday night Dave Ramsey Financial Peace seminar. We missed one or two when Don was in the hospital, but we've been going quite faithfully. It is fun and we are learning a few things. We have all the CD's for the "lectures" that are entertaining yet full of advice. (They come with the class) I just wish they were DVD's. Esther is coming for Christmas, so I think we'll borrow some of the DVD's from the church so she can benefit from them while she's here. (I know she can hardly wait!!)

On a sadder note, we got the word this morning that Jere Patzer died Sunday night. I first got acquainted with Jere and Sue when Jere was in the seminary at Andrews and I was teaching at the academy there. They helped Carolyn, our Bible teacher, and me hold a Bible camp for junior high kids over a weekend. Then when we went to Upper Columbia Academy, he was the president of that conference...we were there 8 years and enjoyed knowing them and working with them there. We are so sorry for this great loss and consider ourselves fortunate that his life touched ours. Also, their son, Darin, was the accountant at BCA when Don was principal there.
If you'd like to read their journal of Jere's battle with lymphoma, you can go to:


Corey said...

That's awesome that you are going to Dave Ramsey's class. We absolutely love him. Duncan is listening to one of his CD's right now and we're definitely getting our budget in order. He has inspired us!

Don and Sue said...

Yes, we are enjoying and benefitting even tho we're not 18 years old! LOL (That's when you're supposed to really get going on the "program") We've discovered that we've done some things right even tho we've done plenty wrong!