A couple of weeks ago I was killing time and exploring Chico while Noylen was taking a G.E.D. test. I thought I knew how to get to Costco, but I never knew which exit it was and had taken the wrong one previously. Once again I took the wrong one, but this time I knew how to get back on the freeway...hate those one-way streets.
Anyhow I saw a cop following me but knew I wasn't speeding, so I wasn't worried. However as soon as I signalled that I was going on the freeway he put on his lights. I still figured he had just got a call and pulled over. He pulled in behind me and told me that my license was expired...the plates. So here's the story:
Don went in to get the van registered because they were expiring in August. However, when we got the van in Florida, they wouldn't let us buy it unless his mom's name was on with him. We registered the car in Indiana, and then in Arkansas with no problem. However, California wouldn't register it without Alta Mae's signature. Don told them that that was going to be difficult to get since she was buried in North Carolina. They didn't seem sympathetic at all. So Don called the Chrysler Financial where the loan is and was told that they needed his power of attorney and her death certificate.
Well, Don couldn't find the power of attorney, I guess. So he had a friend in Arkansas go to the DMV and renew the Arkansas registration...which he did. Unfortunately that's when Don got sick and when the new registration and sticker came, he didn't get it put on the van. This was the next day after he came home from the hospital. Don always takes care of such things, and I was not aware the van was "illegal". I hadn't been driving the car cause I knew that one had expired while we were waiting for Vanessa to verify her name change cause she had signed that car over to us using her Bradley name.
Did you know you have 10 days to register your car in California after you move? How unrealistic is that? Obviously they've never unpacked MY house. Anyhow, the cop told me that it wasn't a "ticket" and that all I had to do was get it remedied and go to an officer to get a signature. However this week, I got a citation in the mail to appear Oct. 30. If I show up I have to pay $10 with a $200 bail if I don't! Guess I'll show up, meanwhile Don called Chrysler financial again and was told that all they needed was the death certificate and they'd take her name off. So that's what we're doing and hope that it comes before Oct. 30 so everything is taken care of.
On a happier note, we got a call from Esther all excited because now she can go on for her B.S.N. (N=Nursing) right there in Petoskey, and at a lower tuition rate, too...and her work will pay some of it. She's taking a couple of general ed requirements now, one being a Spanish class.
Also heard from Tandita who is doing clinicals now and really enjoying it. She's considering doing her last one this year out here. That would be nice, and I think she'd like working at this hospital. She's doing her P.T.A. (A=Assistant)
Don is back to work pretty much full time, but weary at the end of the day. He's trying to be careful not to overdo, but it's hard for a work-a-holic!