Monday, November 10, 2008

A Tribute to our Veterans!

This was written by my nephew. He wrote it about a generation of our family after losing several in death. But since this applies to many others, I thought you might like reading it since tomorrow is Veteran's Day.

Phil Umek
January 15, 1996

One by one the men who are our heroes are passing on. The men who taught us so much about life. The men who are so strong, so big, so invincible, so determined to make this world a better place. One by one God calls them home.

They want so much for us to understand the importance of family, of friendship, true friendship. Oh…how this world needs to listen to them. Their smiles are brightest when children are playing…and we all want to be on their team. Now, one by one they are leaving us.

They helped us see that you don’t have to be tall to have strength, that you don’t have to shout for people to listen, that hard work is always better than just getting by. One by one they march. Proud, Loyal patriots who defended our country without being asked, knowing it was right! They ask for nothing, and they deserve everything! They don’t ever complain even when they have something to complain about. They endure pain with a smile and a concern for others. One by one they are passing.

Who will be there to teach our children to play ball? They made a back yard game seem like the world series. Who will be there to show them that fingers go inside the glove, not outside? Who will be there to remind them that a good bunt is as important as a home run, that you can pick up a chair by the back leg, that “near falls” don’t mean the match, that teamwork is unbeatable, and that you don’t have to apologize for winning? One by one we see them go.

Our hands are not small any more and we have learned to reach as high as we used to throw. Because of you we will teach them, remembering many of your words, reminding them of who you are and what you mean to us. One by one we have to say good bye.

We long to see you, to hear your laughter, to listen to just one more story, to hear your spoon clink against your coffee cup, to shake your hand just one more time and say “thank you for all you taught us. We are so proud of you and we love you!”

Be at peace and God…Please take care of them, one by one.

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