Tuesday, November 3, 2009

No positive changes today. Maria has been spiking a fever that could be a number of things including an infection of some kind as a result of the tube in her nose, etc. The nurse suctioned some stuff that she thought might have come from her nose. They took 2 sets of cultures today, but I guess it will take up to 48 hours to get any results. I think I said that they want her to improve pretty much before they make any major changes other than things involving meds. They changed her over to a different sedative because she was requiring more and more and she was still agitated a lot. She is very quiet now and doesn't open her eyes as much, but this is what they want. She needs her oxygen levels required to go down...to long on receiving high doses of oxygen can cause problems. And the more active she is, the more oxygen she requires...so she needs to remain quiet and heal. Don called me last night, cause when he got home from work there was a letter from the couple who ran the orphanage in Costa Rica where the kids were preadoption. It was a very nice, uplifting letter of affirmation and hope. We have maintained contact with them through the years now and then. Maria received a letter/card from a facebook friend, too.

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