Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Warming up!

Well, it's 68 degrees at 9:37 this morning, so no heat required the past couple of days. Guess I'd better keep this short cause I want to do a little outside work while it's warm.

Don is the administrator in charge this week, and he has a meeting tonight so will be home later. Guess I'd better get lots done while there's no one here to feed and the TV is off. Don watches all his sports programs when he gets home. There's only one that annoys me except when they all hash over the same stories and don't say anything different. Mike and Mike in the Morning has always been my favorite cause they don't yell at each other...and they're funny. But that is very early in the morning, and he doesn't watch it much that since we moved to CA. I like Around the Horn ok, too. It's PTI that annoys me; mostly when they argue. Oh, and I don't like Jim Rome is Burning when he gets on his high horse. A lot of the time I like his program ok, but a lot of the time don't. But I like Hogan's Heroes best! LOL We got fed up with CSI and those programs and started recording H/H. I know, we're officially old foggies. Oh, well, it happens. TV is such a waste of time anyhow.

Well, that's it for today. At least you know we're alive and kickin'. We think of you and hope you'll come see us some time.


Shawn Brace said...

I know it's Sabbath here for me, but I am just now reading this. I LOVE PTI on ESPN. I don't watch it much since I don't have a TV, but those guys crack me up.

I can't stand Jim Rome, on the other hand, and I am not a big fan of Mike and Mike.

To each his own!

But I agree, TV is a big waste of time.

Don and Sue said...

Ah ha. Now I know what topic to include to get anyone to comment!! LOL

Don gets quite annoyed with Tony Reali on Around the Horn because of his method (or lack of it) for awarding nephew, Phil, who lives in Chicago area thinks Marrioti is a joke. I like the lady (you can tell how "into" it I am since I can't recall her name). It's fun to see what blackboard humor Woody will scrounge, altho I have to ask Don what it means some times!

I, too, could do without Jim Rome, and Mike and Mike isn't as appealing as it was a few years ago...don't know why; but we never catch it any more.

As for PTI...well, sorry, I listened to too many kids arguing to thorougly enjoy them. I will have to admit that they SOMETIMES "crack me up" as well!

Don and Sue said...

I record PTI, Around the horn and Jim Rome every day BUT I very seldom watch JR. M & M starts@ 3am so I usually listen to the last 1/2 hr on the way to work.

Somtimes I enjoy the ones I watch and other times they fustrate me
