Thursday, October 15, 2009

Computer up and running.

We have a working computer now. The camera is a different story, tho. Don was told that it wasn't worth fixing. One of these days I'll get the pictures off the chip and share them, tho. Won't be needing a camera for a while, tho. Gotta recover from having to put so much into fixing the huge deck we have on the back of the house.

Nothing much to tell. Maria is sick, tho. I wonder about the health care in Marion, Indiana, tho. She's back in the hospital for the second....maybe third time in the past few days. They checked her for the flu, but that was negative...thankfully, I suppose. Her C-section is scheduled for December 11. They have (or did this a.m.) in labor and delivery. Don't think that's in the plan, but I'm sure they want to monitor what's going on.

1 comment:

Don and Sue said...

Maria is home now. Virus of some kind. She sure has been miserable, tho.