Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sue's Book

I'll bet some of you thought I had given up on getting my book published. Well, I will admit there have been times that I did. I do have a way to get it published, but it will cost me a little moolah. I had hoped I wouldn't have to go that route. But I am, it seems. I have several months of serious work to do to finish it, but I hope to do that this winter.

As soon as Don gets back to work, I plan to get right to work. I have made a lot of changes and additions since the first draft. One of the additions included a "reflections" section at the end of some of the later chapters. Here's where some of you come in, if you are willing. I would like you to e-mail me some of the thoughts you had along the way. . . in the beginning (pre-adoption), at the time the kids came home, when you were first aware of the challenges we were having, and any other thoughts you may have had that might round out the book. If you do this, that means you give me permission to use any of your thoughts, but I would contact you and give you the excerpt I would use pre-printing. It would be nice if you would make your comments right here...even responding to the comments of others. Just click on the "comments" at the bottom of this to see the comments of others. If you choose to use the anonymous box, sign your name at the end of your comment...unless you want to remain anonymous.

I can't tell you how much this would help me; and don't be afraid to hurt my feelings if you have/had a negative stance...that would make the book "real". I have been pretty candid in what I have already written. It has taken some courage to do that...who likes to admit their faults.

Oh, by the way, the book is written under a pseudonymn and the names have been changed to protect some who want it that way. Your input, encouragement, discouragement, enlightenment, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Also, I have changed the name to BRIARPATCH FAITH.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Don is HOME!

The doctor stopped in to see Don early this afternoon just after he ate and told him he could go home later if he was not using the IV pain meds. He hadn't used any since 6:00 a.m., but he (Don) wanted to see how the lunch settled before going home. We just got home about 4:00 this afternoon. He can't drive for a week, and he can't lift over 10 pounds for 4 weeks.

Happy Birthday, Gabriel!

Gabriel Eugene is one year old today, and he took 30 steps in a row. Watch out now! LOL

I wanted to post a recent picture of him, but they're all on Maria's myspace page and she hasn't e-mailed any. I'll get her to send some recent ones and I'll post them later. (I did, and it's first)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Up and walking.

Don walked twice today and was getting ready to walk again when I left tonight. They didn't get him up until about 1:00 the first time, and then he's been sitting in the wheel chair the rest of the day (except, of course, when he's walking). He had a hard time getting to a sitting position on the edge of the bed, but stood up ok once he got positioned there.

Anyhow, he's doing well, but very uncomfortable and in pain from the surgery as expected. He asked me to say thanks to you for your prayers.

Surgery went well.

Don had the stress test today, and was cleared to have the surgery. He has a "bundle branch"...don't ask me to explain that intelligently. Anyhow it is some place that misfires...so something else does it's work. (as much as I "got") Bottom line it's not a concern.

By the time he got back from the stress test, his surgery had been moved to 2:00...then to 4:00 (due to an emergency that came in). At about 3:45 they came down to move him (bed and all) to a different room. I told them he was about to go for the surgery, so they called to ask when...they said 5:00, so they went ahead and moved him across the hall to a private room. It is room 291 now and the number there is 530-877-9361 and ask for him by name and room number. They finally came and wheeled him down to the OR at 5:20.

The doctor came out at about 7:30 and said he did fine. The hole was pretty big (at least I thought so), and they had to make it a little bigger to get everything inside. They put mesh over the hole to repair it. So you can imagine the next few days will be worse for him. He looked pretty ashen, but was muttering at everything anyone said, so he was in his usual entertaining mode. He was back in his room about 8:30. They got him settled, and we (Noylen and me) left shortly after. I was pretty tired, so I think I'll hit the sack early.

Thank you all for your prayers, and continue to pray for a good recovery. Doc said he'd most likely be in the hospital over the weekend.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stress Test at 8:00 am Wed

Stress Test scheduled for 8:00 a.m. Wednesday and surgery at 1:00...assuming stress test gives ok results. If you want to call Don, check the previous posts for the phone number.

2:30 update

I just came home for a bit, and I thought I'd give you the latest up-to-date report on Don. They are still concerned about that irregularity they saw on the heart monitor, so today they plan to do either a ECG or a stress test or both. They want to know everything is ok for them to do the surgery. If all that is good, they will do the surgery at 1:00 Wednesday.

He is looking and feeling much better today and has grown accustomed to the tube down his nose...it isn't bothering him like it was last night. He is not having any pain. If you want to call him, he could talk ok now. At this moment, however the phone is not within reach, but when I get back later this afternoon, I'll be sure it is when I leave for the night. (See previous post for #)

They also told him he could be pre-diabetic, and they are monitoring that as well.

Monday, September 15, 2008


The good news regarding Don is...it's fixable. The bad news is that he has a tube down his nose and into his stomach that is driving him crazy, and it has to stay there until they do the surgery. They are getting him hydrated, etc. and so aren't promising the surgery will be tomorrow, but they hope so. If not, then on Wednesday. The CT leaves them with some question regarding location, so they have to open him up and figure out where the problem is...but the CT for sure shows a hernia and the bowel is sticking out where it shouldn't.

He is at Feather River Hospital in Paradise, CA; room 272B. He has a phone, but he will not be anxious to talk on it before the surgery...and who knows how long afterwards... but the phone # is: 530-877-9361. You can ask for him by name and room number. Remember we are two or three hours behind most of you, and calling will be allowed from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Our cell phones don't work in the room...or just about anywhere else in the hospital.

Surgery pending.

The verdict after a CT (scan) is that Don has a hernia/blockage in the bowel so only a small amount is getting through. He hasn't talked to the surgeon yet, but surgery to fix it is the next step...probably tomorrow (Tuesday). They will have to open him up to do the job...not laproscopic. The tests also revealed something askew with the liver, but that might be due to 10 days of the heaves...they'll find out what's going on there, too.

I just got home and will eat, rest an hour, and then go back. I'm hoping the surgeon will make his decision about timing by that time. TTYL


Don is being admitted to the hospital. Maybe now they'll get to the root of the problem.

Don back in ER

I will give a report when I know something. The title is all I know at this time.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Baby Adrian is GROWING!

Adrian is growing so fast, it seems like just a few weeks that he was struggling to stay alive. How blessed we are...how thankful. He's 5 months now. His big brother, Carter, is a proud, helpful brother, too. Aren't they both cute?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Sabbath!

Don got worse after getting better, but he's better again!! He's hoping to make it through the night tonight without losing his jello, broth, and gatorade. If he does, it will be the first night without losing all. If he makes it through the night, he'll go to church tomorrow. He slept very well last night after the 2:00 incident and, though weak, is feeling pretty good.

I'm glad to see a few of you brave souls are leaving comments now. It's not so hard after a couple of tries. I looked at the GR-FR blog, and it said Dena and Hank were signed in, but I couldn't see any blog for them???

This week's progress included clearing out the study so you can see the floor now...it's free of the boxes that were stuffed in there. The shelves are helter skelter, but that's not on my priority list. I'll get a picture out one of these days.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More House pictures.

Moving Day!
From the bedroom door

From the door to the deck.
Thought you might like to see the progress...slow that it is!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tonight Don is home.

Well, the final diagnosis after nearly 11 hours at the ER is he has gastroenteritis/ileus (or ileitis...bad ER penmanship)

He has to eat like a rabbit ("sip constantly")but only clear liquids (including gatorade) and jello now. He has instructions to see a doctor within 24-48 hours for follow up, and interestingly enough, the Dr. name they gave him is the same one he tried to get in to see on Monday and was told it would be in October. We'll see what happens in the morning when he calls. We're not worried, tho, cause the lady (who is a doctor's wife) that told him to go the ER told him not to worry, they'd see that he gets a Dr. Also, there are several physicians on the board, etc.

Other than this, all the tests they took had good results. He'll still do the stress test, tho. (that's me talking!)

This Morning...

It seems nobody is taking new patients until October or so! Don spent the day Monday at home, eating a few...very few...things to see if he could hold them down. In the night they came up, so he went to "work" to await a time when offices open. While there, he ran into a friend who called him later from the grocery store where she ran into a doctor she knew. He told her to tell Don to go to the ER because if he went to a doctor it would take 2 or 3 days for the results of the tests to get back to them...and the ER would get the results in a few hours. So he is at the ER, and I'll be going down to join him shortly.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sue's Siblings at a Family Reunion

The top picture includes my sisters-in-law

The next picture is of my two sisters, Eleanor and Carolyn and me. Below my brothers and one cousin are in the back; L to R are Hank, Harry, cousin Dean, Jim, Burge and of course, me. My oldest brother, Bob was not able to make it. The older we get the more precious these reunions are, and the faster the time flies.